Environmental Policy Statement

Excess IT Hardware is dedicated to responsibly recycling obsolete electronics to contribute to a cleaner, healthier environment. Our business model actively reduces the environmental impact of electronic waste, including spent fluorescent lamps, batteries, and mercury-containing devices. As the trusted IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) partner of the Department of Homeland Security, we uphold the highest standards of security and environmental responsibility. We are committed to maintaining an Environmental Management System that aligns with the standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), and industry best practices. Furthermore, we recognize that environmental responsibility complements sound business operations. In line with this commitment, we will:

  • Comply with or exceed all applicable federal, state, and county environmental laws, regulations, and other relevant environmental requirements.
  • Ensure strict adherence to environmental laws, regulations, and corporate policies by our employees and service providers.
  • Provide employees with the necessary and appropriate environmental training.
  • Require that all service providers working on our behalf demonstrate competence and comply with E-Scrap policies and procedures.
  • Continuously enhance our operations and management systems to uphold the integrity of our Environmental Policy by:
    • Engaging in open dialogue with regulatory agencies, customers, and stakeholders to identify and address emerging environmental concerns.
    • Setting and implementing measurable environmental performance goals to improve operational processes and safety.
  • Make our Environmental Policy publicly accessible and effectively communicate it to employees and those acting on behalf of E-Scrap.
  • Prevent pollution by integrating environmental considerations into our decision-making and planning processes, minimizing waste generation, and actively working to reduce and prevent pollution.

Through these commitments, Excess IT Hardware strives to uphold environmental responsibility while maintaining efficient and sustainable business practices.

Our EPA ID# : FLR000269027

Certificate of Recycling, See sample

For more information, please e-mail us: sales@excessithardware.com