Tape Shredding & Degaussing Service
Tape, Storage Media Shredding and Degaussing is a Secure, Efficient, and Economical data security process. Electronic Media Destruction services allow you to remain in compliance with National Data Security regulations.
Excess IT Hardware can shred up to 300 Tape per hour. In additional level of security we also utilizes a NATO-listed degausser to sanitize any magnetic media, including laptop drives, desktop drives, network drives, and storage tapes like DLT, LTO, and DDS/DAT. Our degausser meets the U.S. Department of Defense and Defense Security Services requirements, ensuring that all data is rendered permanently inaccessible.
- Destruction of confidential and sensitive data in accordance with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
- Meets US Department of Defense (DoD) and Defense Security Services (DSS) requirements for sanitizing unclassified data.
- Provides compliance under regulations such as HIPAA, PCI DSS, GLBA, FACTA, etc.
Global Reach: Whether you have a data tape in Topeka, Kansas, or 1,000 tape in Kuala Lumpur, we can assist with your data tape security needs.
Degauss Tape (DLT, LTO, etc)
Each tape is degaussed ( a large magnetic) and the process takes 15 seconds per tape. Once degaussed, a tape is rendered unusable. All data is removed and the tape is no longer functional.
Shred Tape (DLT, LTO, etc)
For larger project (over 500 tape) the data tape is shredded. Once the shred process is complete, the tapes are permanently destroyed.
- Service is performed by trained technicians who have undergone all necessary background checks
- Serial Numbers can be scanned for additional details
- All Drive / Tape Shred is removed and disposed of in an environmentally sound manner
- A Certificate of Destruction is provided for each project